Attractivity of Tags by Artists at

June 12, 2012

The visualization of a dataset is based on the comparison of two music artists and their related tags. Through the attracitve force  the tags are moving to the artist with a higher value of association.

The internet radio is a well-known platform to enjoy his favored music taste. Every user has the possibility to enrich music artists, albums and tracks with specified tags to create a folksonomy. These data provide an ideal challenge to visualize the music artists with their related tags. The dataset were used from a public source The goal was to visualize the similarities and differences between two music artists based on their number of tags.

As a result you can see the mainstream and individual characteristics of the two artists. Both artists Britney Spears and Nelly Furtado are associated with the tag “seen live” in the same way. But some tags tend more to the right or left side and showing a stronger association to the related artist. Through the visualization it is easier to see the differences of the artists. In example the tag “dance” is more associated with Britney Spears than Nelly Furtado.

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